Wednesday, May 18, 2016

20 Recommended Power Spots in Kyoto

20 Recommended Power Spots in Kyoto

Kyoto, the old city that built the cornerstones of Japan, is full of places with superstitions about granting your wishes, spots where you can receive power, and more. Kyoto has many places filled with a mysterious energy. Here are 20 power spots within Kyoto that you should consider visiting.

1. Shimogamo Shrine [Sakyo-ku]

Shimogamo Shrine is not just a World Heritage Site but also Kyoto’s most powerful power spot. Kawai Shrine on the grounds has ema (wooden plaques on which you can write a prayer) called “mirror ema,” a rare kind that that has a face on it. If you draw make-up on it nicely and write your wish, it’s said it will come true. It’s a popular power spot often used to pray for love and relationships.

2. Kifune Shrine [Sakyo-ku]

Kifune Shrine has been beloved by the people of Kyoto since ancient times for housing the deity of water, and their fortunes that come blank until placed in water are very popular. This is a recommended power spot that has an energy that seems like it will purify you of all bad things and raise your luck. 

3. Fushimi Inari Taisha [Fushimi-ku]

Fushimi Inari Taisha has gathered enough popularity overseas that foreign tourists have chosen it as the most popular sightseeing area in Japan. The thousand red torii gates all lined up is a sight you can’t miss. Behind the main shrine is the Kumataka Shrine, a popular power spot that houses the deities of gambling and prosperous business. It’s said that it’s good to pray here when you’re trying to win a make-or-break game.

4. Seimei Shrine [Kamigyo-ku]

This is a shrine known for warding off evil and bad luck. There is a well named Seimeii that is said to help with bad health and disease, as well as a statue called Yakeyokutou in the shape of a peach that’s also supposed to ward off evil and bad luck. This shrine has many power spots that hold mysterious powers, including a 300 year old tree called Oshinboku that will bless you if you touch it.

5. Kiyomizudera/Otowa no Taki [Higashiyama-ku]

This shrine is home to the Otowa no Taki, waterfalls that have remained powerful for more than 1000 years. There are three streams of water, each of which has power over a different blessing: education, love, or longevity. However, you should only drink a mouthful of each one, because it’s said the more you drink the more the blessings lessen.

6. Yasaka Koushindo [Higashiyama-ku]

When you enter the grounds, you’ll see colorful “kukurizaru” everywhere. Kukurizaru are cloth monkeys with their hands and feet tied and are amulets meant to help control one’s avarice. It’s said that if you write your wish on them and tie them up then it might be granted. This is a popular spot with foreign tourists, so you’ll see plenty of kukurizaru with foreign languages written on them. This is a recommended power spot for those who want to pray at a shrine.

7.  Rokkaku-do (Choboji) [Nakagyo-ku]

While its official name is Choboji, it is more commonly known as “Rokkaku-do” because “rokkaku” means six-sided and the main temple is built in a hexagonal shape. This is known as the birthplace of ikebana, traditional flower arranging. The willow tree here is famous for granting relationship wishes, and it’s said that if you tie one fortune around two of its branches, your wish of mutual love with the person you like will come true.

8. Kitano Tenmangu [Kamigyo-ku]

Kitano Tenmangu is a shrine famous for bestowing blessings for success in education. The “nade-ushi” statue on the grounds is a statue of a cow that’s said to bestow success in education if you rub it, so many people go for that purposes. Also, if you can get a stone into the mouth of the statue of Daikoku, the god of wealth, it’s said that you’ll have good fortune for money so many people try it. This is a power spot recommended for people who want to pass an exam or want celestial help with their classes.

9. Yuki Shrine/Gankake Sugi no Shinboku [Sakyo-ku]

This shrine has over 1000 years of history. According to a sign that has an explanation of the shrine on it, it’s a place to go if you want to be blessed for warding off evil, good health, success in business, safety for your family, safety during everyday travel, warding off disasters, success in education, success in love, healthy childbirth, and more. The Japanese cedar known as Gankake Sugi is more than 600 years old and is said to grant your greatest wish. This is a recommended power spot for people who would like to be blessed for various things.

10. Jishu Shrine [Higashiyama-ku]

If you have someone you like or are looking for a relationship, you must go to the power spot called Jishu Shrine in Kyoto! There’s a love-fortune telling rock from the Jomon period, ema for love prayers, and more, so this shrine is famous as one of Japan’s foremost power spots for love. They have a surprising amount of love and marriage-related charms and amulets for everyone in every stage of a relationship from single to married. 

11. Iwashimizu Hachimangu [Yawata]

Iwashimizu Hachimangu is famous for being one of Japan’s leading shrines that ward off bad luck, and it’s a shrine on the summit of Kyoto’s Otokoyama. They have blessings for victory, successful business, family safety, and more, so people visit from all over the country. In recent years, it’s also been known because Konosuke Matsushita, the founder of Panasonic and a man known as “the god of management,” deeply believed in the power of this shrine.

12. Matsuodera [Maizuru]

Matsuodera is a temple on the mountainside of Mt. Aoba on the border of Kyoto and Fukui. As you near the temple you can feel an incredible power. When you’re on the grounds, it feels good as though your entire self is purified. You need a car to reach this temple, but it’s recommended for people that want to go to the best power spot.

13. Nariai-ji [Miyazu]

This temple is on the side of Mt. Nariai where you can gaze out on Amanohashidate, and is a famous power spot for being a temple that will grant your wishes thanks to a legend about the goddess Kannon sacrificing part of herself to save a monk. The Bodhisattva worshipped here is known as the “Beautiful Kannon,” and it’s said that if you pray here both your appearance and your heart will become beautiful. It’s famous for its flowers, such as cherry blossoms and rhododendrons in the spring and the foliage in the autumn. It’s elevated high above sea level so you can gaze out on one of Japan’s top three scenic views, Amanohashidate, and when you head to the groups from the airport you’ll be filled with a very gentle, warm atmosphere. Isn’t that because of the gentle Bodhisattva? Please give that gift of kindness to the people closest to you. You’ll be visited by peace and tranquility.

14. Motoise Kono Shrine [Miyazu]

Kono Shrine is a shrine that is famous for holding strict formality dear since ancient times. It’s said the strongest power spots on the grounds is the stairs heading to the main gate past the tori and before the main shrine. It’s said you can use the power of this shrine to cleanse away your cares from the past or any transgressions or errors you have committed. The main shrine is in the middle of a lively sightseeing area, but this is a power spot where you can experience a special atmosphere different from other places.

15. Ujigami Shrine [Uji]

This shrine’s main building was built in 1060, and it’s said to be the oldest example of shrine architecture still existing in Japan. When you pass through the torii gates, you’ll feel the quiet atmosphere of the shrine that seems like time has stopped. It’s a power spot that’s quiet, will heal your heart, and make you feel calm. It’s registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

16. Mikane Jinja [Nakakyo-ku]

This small shrine is known for being a power spot for good fortune with money, and it stands quietly on a corner in a residential district. The god of property and investments, Kanayamahiko no Mikoto, is enshrined here. Since it’s known as a place to increase your fortune with wealth, many people visit every day.

17. Shiramine Jingu [Kamigyo-ku]

This is a famous shrine that will help you improve at ball games. The guardian deity of kemari, a type of football played by courtiers in ancient Japan, is enshrined here. His name is Seidaimyoujin, and he is now the guardian deity of ball-related sports. Seidaimyoujin gathers followers that want to improve at ball games like soccer, volleyball, baseball, and more, so on the grounds you can see all types of balls that have been offered to the shrine by many athletes.

18. Kurumazama Jinja [Ukyo-ku]


This shrine is known for helping one improve their artistic talents, and the shrine is decorated with the stage names of celebrities. Amenouzume no Mikoto, the god of performing arts, is enshrined here so people who want to get better at performing should visit this power spot.

19. Mikami Jinja [Ukyo-ku] 

This is the only shrine in Japan dedicated to the hair on your head, so it’s a power spot for growing beautiful hair. Mikami Jinja is visited by many people who wish for beautiful hair as well as people who are hoping to become excellent barbers and hairdressers. The enshrined deity is Fujiwarauneme no Sukemasayume, the founder of the hairdressing industry in Japan. This would be a good shrine for blessings if you’re worried about hair loss!

20. Ichihime Jinja [Shimogyo-ku]

This is a power spot that prevents bad luck towards women. This shrine is said to grant all wishes relating to women. Because of that, the majority of visitors to this shrine are women that want to ward off evil. Also, it’s said that if you write a prayer on an ema votice and drink the holy water of the well called Ichigan Joju no Ido before praying, one of your wishes will be granted. This is definitely a power spot women should visit.


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